Q8 Confidentials: Li Da Di

Disclsimer: this may sound as fiction, this may sound fabricated, becuase even i cant believe it happened.

I got an email five days ago, a refferal, and as i stated earlier, referrals work best for me, less work, less background check, less worrying and of course granted extra money if i'm worth the while..
and from what i put into my work, I'm always worth the while.
She is 23, graduated early from a certain university, top of her class, well educated, applied for a master as soon as she was done.
i know this because i had a background check on her after i was done from what might be the best sex i ever had.
working as a prostitute, i met hundreds of women, the sex was 20 minutes tops, lasted for longer with a handful, but when you book a call boy, you book discretion, you book for an equivelant of a fast meal, but in my case, and a few other people who work in the same line of work i do, we serve.. a fast dish but very tastful and elegant, its only fast in regards of time, everything else is calculated and well excecuted.

i can still hear the song in my head... li li li li, li da di...
i think it was an extended mix, i think she made it herself, because i went online, search for the song in every website, legal and illegal, and all i got was 12 minutes tops, the song didnt replay, it was going on and on, i know music, i might not be the musical prodigy that i wished to be, but i am good enough to know when a song ends and replays even if there's a fader connected to join the end with the beginig.

it was an apartment in salmiya, a condo complex, next to a grand mall, expensive to own, full service security around the clock, dial-in market service that would provide anything buy-able in kuwait.
cars in the garage were porches, hammers, escalades, bmws, lexuses, not one car that i can easily afford.
when i say the place was expensive, i mean it, i've whored myself around enough to know what coasts money, and that place was... lets say start studed for the lack of a better discribtion and for the sake of my weak vocabulary.

i was listed as smith, john.
yes, i know cliche name, but i didnt chose it, its not from my culture, its clearly american, i would've chosen a typical kuwaiti name like ahmed or khaled.
i was escorted to the the elevator, i used the pass code infront of the security guard, a pass code that takes me to only one apartment, and it was hers... well, whom ever it belonged to, not my case, she was there, and that was my target.

this is something that you may not relate to, or imagine, because you had to see it to soak up the feeling, to roam in the atmosphere.
forth floor, elevator send me to a well designed hall way that devided the apartment into three segments, a grand living room, three mini apartments with their own mini living room, i've seen the whole place after the encounter, but i'm describing it now for you to imagine it.

the song played in the whole apartment, it had a sound system built in, so it played everywhere...
Li Li Li Li Li Da Di, Li Da Di Da Di Da Di...
i knew the song, it was amber - sexual, a very sexy song, brought back memories, but my chain of thought got cut of when she opened her mini apartment door... she gave me a simple look, which was my que to come in.

different atmosphere, dark, a thousand candles everywhere, on the floor, on the book shelves, on the tables, on the counters...
i could see clearly, but it was dark... i don't know how to describe it, it was just one of those things..
the scent was feminine, it wasnt a perfume i know, it was clearly the scent of the place, and i highly doubt it was evocked by the candles.

she told me she wanted to be called dania, the moment she said that, my focus went back to her, a stuning woman, and when i say woman i mean every definition of what a woman should be, gracefully tall, long neck, soft delicate skin, long black hair, wide dark eyes, slender waist, delicatly curved hips, tender lips and the best of them all, her voice, a feminine firm voice, naural come heather voice, which sealed the deal for me.

she could have any man she wanted, she didn't have to pay for it, which made me nervous, i didnt do the routine, i didnt ask for the money up front, i didnt go to the bathroom and count it, instead i went straigh to her neck, took a deep breath, thinking that pornographic move would put me in charge, but i wasn't kidding anyone, she took control of me with her drastic vibes, i dont know if she knew at that time, but she was in control, she was... well, the boss.

its very simple, she said, i'm leaving tomorrow, for a very long time, i might as well tell you its for good, so i need a night care free, i need a man, i dont want a typical guy who's after his own pleasure.
she was completly right, a real man would please his woman first, but the way she demanded that... i never knew that these words can be said in a graceful way, she demanded to be pleased, but... you know the other women who did that, made me feel like they were paying for me, true of course, but none the less, a very rather off putting presentation.

the song was still playing, i couldn't hear anything but the melody, Li Da Di...
i had to man up, i had to do what i do best, give a good lay, but this time, less porn, more romance, more... being a real man.

i carried her, arms behind her back, giving a deep gentle kiss, her skin was so soft, for a moment there i was going to give it all up and just breathe it up, feel it and stare at it.
i'm strong enough to carry women in one arm, so i did that and with the other arm i felt her back, telling her that she was beautiful, that i have never seen a women like her.
i know she believed me, that is because she know her potential and for the first time i think, i was acting, i meant every word i was saying.

i told her as i kissed her neck that i feel like a child again, i dont know where to start, every part of her was screaming, me first.. so i needed her to guide me..
she told me to feel her breasts, to look her in the eye and tell her what i wanted, i did that but when it came to what i wanted... it was nothing but her.
i told her i wanted it her, with a deep look, with a strong voice and if i said the magic word, she let go of me, held the lace of her underwear and with a simple gesture, her bra was off.

she guided me to the bedroom, there wasnt much there, just a bed, that i immediatly sat on, with her at the bottom of the bed, looking me in the eye, taking her long flowing her and moving it to one side,extending her neck, fluanting her ears and the earing hanging from it, it was a beautiful chandelier-isque ear ring that she had only on her right ear.
she started touching herself, breathing heavily, letting so much heat beem off of her body, that i felt it take over me, i felt like a virgin, all those women... all those things i've read, the trick i had, they simply disapeared, as if i never knew or had them.
she is a real woman, she took control by giving it, by surrendering it...
she came onto me, gave me a kiss and asked me, what do you want me to do to you?
something very primal took over me, i couldnt handle it any more, i grabbed her, layed her on the bed, tied her arms with my arm, opening her legs with another, licking her side to the top of her neck, assualting her upper lip, then moving on by letting our tongues play together.
i started to go down, give every inch i passed on the attention it deserved, setteling on her right breast, i told her to keep her hands abover her head, i let go of her hands so i could give a treatment to her pther breast, sliding my hands up her body, then sliding them down as i went down on her.
i tasted ever curve, every vally, every hill and every cross on that road, as if i will die right after i finish this job, i made sure i was doing it perfectly, gently but with enough strength to hear her agree with and praise my work.
now it moved up to me, its not sex anymore, its art, i had to create art and she was enough of a muse.
i felt more pleasure going down on her than all the times a woman went down on me combined, might sound cheesy and way too fabricated, but my senses were elevated, i was out of this world.
i went up, gave her a kiss and felt her hand slide on my dick, it was so hard it hurts, i dont know where she got that condom but she took the wrapping to her mouth, one swift move, she opned it, took it out with her lips, took it in her hand and she slided it on me.
i though i knew what to do next, but she floored me when she said go deep, so i did, slowly but willingly, i slided in, kept on going, didnt stop, i was taking my time, but i did not stop.
it was all in, she took a deep breath tilting her head up, i pulled out and repeated the motion, i saw more great reviews, so i kept on doing it for a while, until she got fed up with my movement and decided to take matters of her own.
she stradeled me, making me sit on my knees, let her do all the work, i was gone in her hair, in her scent in her soft touch, pushing me on my back, topping me and feeling me up, pulling my hair, going down and biting my lower lip, giving me her breath to breathe from it, and as i did, my body blasted a heat wave, i was ready to explode, it was the perfect timing when she had the signs of her reaching a perfect end, it never happened to me before, but i believe we simultaneously reached our end, we both came and she colapsed on me, little that i knew that i was the one collapsing and the song was still going on...

a few minor details happened after that, we talked, i got to know enough information for me to do a background check, i found out she was as beautiful from the inside as the outside, and i realized that i developed an infatuation thewards her...

many years have passed with me in this career line, but never in my life had i enjoyed my work as much as this, i wont act silly and say my work isnt fun sometimes, it is, but there's a difference between a good time and an amazing time.

i hope i see her again... and still, the tune is stuck in my head... 

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