The Future of Online/Internet Business

Many believe that the internet is a trend of the future and it is absolutely critical to establish a business online. some believe that it is necessary given the global working culture/condition/trends. you just don`t know anymore what is to come (i.e. outsourcing, layoffs, dying industries, etc) and therefore people prefer having their situation in their own hands and control.
experts also say that the internet has yet to hit critical mass (they base this on how long it took the TV, AC, Radio to hit critical mass) and that now is the best time to get in. what are your thoughts on that? what about businesses that have been online since 1998/2000?

some say that the web is also saturated and it is only getting worse. they say with so much dilution it will be very hard in the future to sustain a good living from online ventures. any thoughts?

all that said, what are (in your opinion) some of the most lucrative trends of online business? where do you see the future of internet business? do you see another channel/medium that might replace the web and therefore all hard efforts made by online entrepreneurs go to waste?

there are just so many questions regarding the past present and future - it would be interesting to start a discussion here on everyone`s thoughts and where we all see the future of the internet in the next 3,5,10,30 years?

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